Tuesday, February 22, 2011

General Strike in Wisconsin

Time for a Wisconsin General Strike!

Fellow Workers - The South Central Federation of Labor has passed a motion endorsing a statewide General Strike in opposition to Walker's proposed budget bill stripping most collective bargaining rights from Wisconsin public workers, putting Medicare and other health care directly in the hands of the Governor, and allowing DHS to enact emergency laws with no legislative oversight.

This must be stopped! We have seen this last days in Madison exactly how powerful the working class is when we band together. We must not let this recently unprecedented show of working class strength be destroyed in the coming days!

The only way to truly stop Walker's bill is to shut down as much of the state as possible; interrupt business as usual for the sell-out politicians trying to destroy our collective futures!

"Motion 1: The SCFL endorses a national general strike, possibly for the day Walker signs his "budget repair bill," and requests the Education Committee immediately begin educating affiliates and members on the organization and function of a General Strike." http://www.scfl.org/?page=affiliates (read less)
Fellow Workers - The South Central Federation of Labor has passed a motion endorsing a statewide General Strike in opposition to Walker's proposed budget bill stripping most collective bargaining rights from Wisconsin public workers, putting Medicare and other health care directly in the hands of the Governor, and allowing DHS to enact emergency laws with no legislative oversight.

This must be stopped! We have seen this last days in Madison exactly how powerful the working class is when we... (read more)
Shut down Wisconsin until Walker stops this bill.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011